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We at Sparkle Cleaning are so excited to be launching our first Sparkle Grant for Bristol. Sparkle Cleaning has been avid charity supporters since starting the company started in 2016 by supporting local clean-up events, donkeys of west Africa, Bristol Zoo and many individuals, previous to that Gareth Sanders, our founder, has regularly complete charity events since being ill back in 2008.

Gareth has run marathons, ultra-marathons, climbed mountains, cycled from John O’Groats to Lands End, cycled home from the Netherlands on a 50 euro steel framed Dutch bike and become a Guinness World Record Holder.

Its now time to support the new generation of fundraisers and adventures who are coming through which is why Sparkle Cleaning have made the commitment to give away a minimum of £1000 to local individuals who are looking to do the same.

All you need to do to apply is fill out our application form HERE with all the details and we shall get in touch.

Here is a few more details for what we are looking for

Be independently organised

Your trip cannot be part of an organised trip, race or event.

This includes volunteering through an organisation. The trip must be organised by you and your teammates with no-one else taking part. This is an absolute.

Be for the love of adventure and to raise money for charity

We are looking for someone who wants to do something special, to create memories for themselves in years to come, inspire others to try that little bit harder and most importantly not be sure if you can make it

Involve physical exertion

Trips must involve some form of physical exertion e.g. walking, cycling, climbing, swimming, running, camping.

Usually, involve camping

We are not going to be providing people with a cozy bed at the end of a long day cycling or running but we may help you get a tent.

Be original

We are not looking for someone who is taking part in an organised trip or someone who is going to follow a guidebook for a leisurely stroll through the country. We want this to be 100% you and your personality go out get muddy and get comfortable being uncomfortable

Not be a big budget

We can’t afford to give everyone large grants, therefore, you are more likely to be successful if you are looking to do it on a shoestring and raise the most for charity.

Apply Here

Guardians of Bears…. and Staff

Sparkle Cleaning set high standards. They are also raising the bar when it comes to employee engagement and staff wellbeing. The Bristol-based cleaning company was founded in 2016 by Gareth Sanders and they specialise in commercial property cleaning. Gareth is proud of his staff and his city and wanted to find a way to support both.

Gareth explains

“I expect high standards at work but I also know how it feels to work somewhere where your hard work doesn’t get valued. When I set up Sparkle Cleaning one of my values was to give support to the community. After consultation with some staff members we decided supporting Bristol Zoological Society and Bear Wood at Wild Place Project was the perfect solution. Our staff can visit the Bristol Zoo Gardens and Wild Place Project with their families throughout the year and we get to be part of the important conservation work they are doing”

Sparkle Cleaning are not only corporate members at Bristol Zoo Gardens and Wild Place Project but also Bear Wood Business Guardians

Lucy Tissington, Development Officer for Bristol Zoological Society met with Gareth and was blown away by his enthusiasm for the Bear Wood Business Guardian scheme:

“It’s so exciting to partner with Gareth and the team at Sparkle Cleaning. Sparkle Cleaning’s support is so important to help reach the Appeal’s target and ultimately protect native species here in the UK”

Gareth would like to encourage other Bristol businesses to think how they can support the city and community and what fits in with their company values and staff members.

“I’m not keen on that phrase ‘team-building’ but taking the staff to Wild Place Project felt like it did build the team. We had such a fabulous day together – we all feel like we are part of something important”